The ICO Award

Deadline 15th April. See the details below.

ICO established in 1982 the ICO Prize, to be given each year to an individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to optics, published submitted for publication before the age of 40.

The prize includes:
  • A citation
  • A cash amount of US$2.000
  • US$1.000 for travel expenses
  • An invitation to give a talk in a major ICO-sponsored event
BEFORE 15th July:

An email with all the documents must be send by the nominator to the chair person of the ICO Award: Prof. Leszek Sirko ( )

  • Signed letters including each nominator’s current affiliation and business address, describing the achievements for which the candidate is nominated for this award
  • A separate pdf file with a full CV of the nominee indicating the date of birth

ICO Prize Golden Book

List of the winners of the ICO Prize in reverse chronological order


Carlos Hernández-García, 

“For seminal contributions in the theory and modeling of laser- driven high harmonic generation and understanding how to manipulate their waveforms to impart orbital and spin photon angular momentum”.


Francisco Rodríguez-Fortuño, UK

“For seminal contributions to the spin-orbit interaction optics that largely expand our capacities to manipulate light-matter interaction at the nanoscale”.


Bo Zhen, USA

“For his pioneering research on optical bound states in the continuum, exceptional points, and other topological states in photonics”.


Wojciech Wasilewski, Poland

“For seminal contributions to experimental work in the field of multi-mode quantum memories, demonstrating systems with both outstanding storage capacity and remarkably extensive range of operations”.


Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Switzerland

“For seminal contributions to method and algorithm development, and application of coherent lensless imaging, ptychography, x-ray nanotomography, and scanning small-angle x-ray scattering”.


Mikael Rechtsman, USA

“For pioneering contributions to the field of topological photonics”.


Francesca Calegari, Germany

“For her innovative and pioneering research on the generation of isolated XUV attosecond pulses at the nJ-energy level and their application to the study of the electron dynamics in complex molecules”.


Andrea Alù, USA

“For his groundbreaking work on metatronics for ultrafast electronics and the localization of optical radiation in structured materials”.


Aydogan Ozcan, USA

“For his seminal contributions to bio-photonics technologies impacting computational microscopy and digital holography for telemedicine and global health applications”.


Martin Booth, UK

“For his innovative and pioneering research on dynamic optical methods and new approaches to adaptive optics”.


Tobias J. Kippenberg, Switzerland

“For his innovative and pioneering research on cavity optomechanics and optical frequency combs using optical microresonators.”


Romain Quidant, Spain

“For his extraordinary scientific accomplishments in nanoscale optical manipulation.”


Nicholas X. Fang, USA

“For his pioneering work in optical metamaterials, optical superlenses and nanofocusing.”


Reinhard Kienberger , Germany

“For his breakthrough work in attosecond science and its applications in metrology and spectroscopy.”


Rajesh Menon, USA

“For his breakthrough achievement in nanolithography, in particular for his invention and development of the absorbance modulation method for a wider range of nanophotonic applications”.


Zeev Zalevsky,Israel

“For his achievements and significant contribution in the field of optical super resolution, in particular for his work in theoretical and experimental definition of various approaches for exceeding Abbe’s classical limit of resolution.”


Susana Marcos, Spain

“For her outstanding contributions in the areas of visual optics and biophotonics”.


Hideyuki Sotobayashi, Japan

“For his outstanding contributions in the areas of optics communications, optical fiber technologies and new photonic devices”.


Immanuel Bloch, Germany

“For his achievements in cold atomic gases in optical lattices”.


Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy, USA

“For developing a method where arrays of optical devices, such as detectors, modulators, and vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are attached to CMOS chips”.


Benjamin J. Eggleton, Australia

“For his achievements in nonlinear optics, photonic bandgap structures, optical fiber gratings, air-silica microstructured fibers, tunable optical fiber devices, microfluidics, dispersion compensation techniques, Raman amplification and optical regeneration”.


Nabeel A. Riza, USA

“For the invention of several pioneering optical beam control structures that have strongly impacted fields such as array sensor controls, interferometry, signal processing, fiber-optic switching and controls, and optical scanning”.


Stefan W. Hell, Germany

“For his innovative work on increasing resolution in far field optical microscopy”.


Hugo Thienpont, Belgium

“For his contributions to photonics, optical computing and parallel optics”.


Haldun Ozaktas, Turkey

“For contributions to several areas of optical information processing, and the development of the fractional Fourier transform and its application”.


David Mendlovic, Israel

“For contributions to several areas of optical information processing, and the development of the fractional Fourier transform and its application”.


Andrew M. Weiner, USA

“For pioneering contributions make possible linear filtering, shaping, and analog processing of optical signals in the femtosecond time domain, and enable a range of sophisticated new applications for ultrashort light pulses”.


Vladimir Buzek, Slovakia

“For his work on squeezing and other non-effects in photon statistics, atom-field interactions in microcavities and other theoretical contributions to the development of quantum optics”.


Tony F. Heinz, USA

“For the development and application of an entirely new area of laser spectroscopic studies for surface and interface analysis, introducing nonlinear and time-resolved optical techniques, such as surface second order harmonic generation”.


Emmanuel Desurvire, USA

“For his work on active optical fibers and devices and in particular his seminal contributions to erbium-doped fiber amplifiers”.


Aleksander K. Rebane, Switzerland

“For his contribution to understanding the properties of frequency multiplexed holograms, through the causality principle, and to the investigation of the properties of referenceless time-and-space holograms”.


Wolfgang Peter Schleich, Germany

“For his work on the nonclassical states of light and the determination of the phase of nonclassical radiation”.


David A.B. Miller, USA

“For the discovery of thee quantum confined Stark effect and its applications to optical devices”.


Rosario Martinez-Herrero, Spain

“For her contribution to the new expansions for the coherence functions of partially coherent and partially polarized electromagnetic fields”.


Demetri Psaltis, USA

“For his contributions to optical information processing, holography, pattern recognition, neural networks, optical memories and optical devices”.



The 1988 Prize was redesignated as the 1989 Prize in order that it coincide with the year of the award.


Alain Aspect, France

“For his work on the confirmation by optical means of the violation of Bell’s inequalities, which provides support for the traditional interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and demonstrates that no local, deterministic hidden variable theory can apply”.


Kensuke Ikeda, Japan

“For outstanding contributions to quantum dynamics, including in particular quantum chaos, to the nonlinear dynamics of optical systems, and to turbulence”.


Sergei I. Stepanov, USSR

“For his works on dynamic holography, the physics of photorefractive crystals, and diffraction phenomena in volume structures”.


J. Christopher Dainty, UK

“For his works on astronomical speckle imaging, quantum-limited imaging, and optical information processing”.


James R. Fienup, USA

“For his contribution to the field of image restoration, phase retrieval from amplitude data, and image estimation, including in particular iterative estimation algorithms applied to optical imaging, coherence, and remote sensing”.


Antoine Labeyrie, France

“For his pioneering work on astronomical imaging beyond the atmospheric turbulence and telescope mirror quality limited resolution, and in particular his invention of speckle interferometry”.