Hamas-Israel Conflict:
A Plea for Compassion and Peace
The world has looked on with sadness, disbelief and shock at the great human tragedy that has unfolded in Israel and Gaza. Thousands of innocent civilians both within Israel and Gaza, many of them children, have been killed and tens of thousands have been injured. We call on both parties to respect the dignity of human life, the basic human rights of all individuals and replace conflict with compassion.
ICO News
Meesage from the new ICO president
Dr. Eric Rosas from Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México has been elected ICO President 2024-2027.
RESULTS OF THE ICO bureau elections
The ICO Bureau elections were celebrated during the 26th ICO General Meeting in Cape Town last October.
ICO AWARDS 2024 Announced
The ICO Awards 2024 were announced during the last ICO-26 General Meeting celebrated in South Africa last October
ICO-26 CELEBRATED in south aFrica
The last ICO General Meeting took place for the first time in African soil from 21st to 24th last October 2024.
PIMICS Project
A hyperspectral system for basic research with resource constrained
In 2023, John Howell was President of the ICO and he had an idea of making a low-cost multi-spectral or hyper-spectral camera from the Raspberry Pi. This was announced at the Optics and Photonics Africa 2023 conference in South Africa. The goal was to use the Raspberry Pi, its camera, and the general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins to drive LEDs and/or filter wheels for building multispectral cameras.